Resodyn Acoustic Mixers

Pharmacist with PCCA RAM Acoustic Compounding Mixer

BUTTE, MT - In the video below, Gus Bassani, Pharm.D. | VP Consulting/ R&D/ Formulations for PCCA describes to over 500 pharmacists gathered at their annual meeting in Houston Texas, how the PCCA RAM constitutes the next evolution in mixing technology that will produce fast, quality, reproducible, and game-changing results for their members. As you will see, words do not do this product launch justice.

The PCCA RAM Mixer is a development of the Resodyn Acoustic Mixer Platform specifically geared towards the Pharmaceutical Compounding Industry. PCCA  oversaw the development at Resodyn Acoustic Mixers, and will exclusively sell the PCCA RAM Mixer to its members of independent community pharmacists.

For its 3,900 members of independent community pharmacists in the United States, Canada, Australia, and other countries around the world, PCCA is the resource for equipment, devices, fine chemicals, flavors, ACPE-accredited training and education, pharmacy software, marketing, business and also provides pharmacy consulting assistance.

Resodyn Acoustic Mixers and PCCA will continue to pave the way in game-changing innovative solutions for the Pharmaceutical Compounding Industry.

For more information about PCCA & the PCCA RAM, visit their website at

If you are not a PCCA member, ask a RAM sales representative how you can put the power of ResonantAcoustic® Mixing to work for your customers.

How can RAM help you?