Resodyn Acoustic Mixers

McAlester Army Ammunition Plant's (MCAAP) new RAM 55 H

The McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (MCAAP) in McAlester, Oklahoma has announced the final installation of a revolutionary new RAM 55 H mixing system. McAlester expects the RAM 55 H to ramp up 6X-10X capacity increases and 3X-7X cost reductions in its ammunition production facilities. The RAM 55 H is powered by innovative ResonantAcoustic® Mixing “RAM” technology, which uses the physics of resonance to thoroughly, but gently mix explosive formulations safely.

RAM 55 H Dramatically Increases McAlester PBX Production Capacity while Cutting Costs by Eliminating of Purging and Post-Cure Machining
Manufacturing plastic bonded explosive (PBX) into nearly final shapes (near-net-shape) instead of machining from cylindrical shapes reduces costs 2/3, over $1000 per part. Near-net-shape techniques on a smaller Resodyn RAM 5 H have already helped McAlester save taxpayers over $20 Million.
McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (MCAAP)

The photos are for Resodyn’s official use only with photo credit to McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (MCAAP). The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

About McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (MCAAP)
McAlester Army Ammunition Plant is the Department of Defense's premier bomb and warhead loading facility, and is one of 17 industrial facilities within the Joint Munitions Command. It is vital to ammunition stock management and delivery to the joint warfighter for training and combat operations. The RAM 55 H is housed within a 5.5 acre building on the MCAAP campus.

About Resodyn Acoustic Mixers
Headquartered in Butte, MT, Resodyn Acoustic Mixers, Inc. designs, manufactures, markets, sells and distributes its patented ResonantAcoustic® Mixing “RAM” technology to customers around the globe. This universal mixing technology specializes in the intricate processes involved in the manufacturing of energetics, pharmaceuticals, energy storage/batteries and numerous other advanced materials. RAM products provide rapid, bladeless mixing for any combination of powders, slurries, viscous pastes, and liquids.

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