Resodyn Acoustic Mixers


RAM 5 batch mixing demonstration

BUTTE, MT - Resodyn Acoustic Mixers hosted attendees at Technical InterChange 2018 (TI-18) for a first-hand preview of the newly released  LabRAM I this week at Resodyn Acoustic Mixers’ headquarters in Butte, Montana. The more than 60 attendees from nine countries represent a broad range of technical knowledge and process applications and requirements in industries such as energetics, advanced materials, and pharmaceuticals.

“Our eighth iteration of TI featured a shift in focus toward the specific customer-based applications, issues, and challenges faced by our customers world-wide. The enthusiastic response of our attendees indicates a new and rich direction for future Technical InterChanges,” said Resodyn President and Founder Larry Farrar.

The world-class TI event is designed for discovery, practice, and hands-on operation of all RAM technologies, products, and developments. The three-day InterChange featured live RAM mixing  demonstrations and solutions, dozens of technical presentations by Resodyn engineers and experienced RAM users, an open poster technology/user experience session, and a supplemental session for training and certification using Resodyn’s larger scale RAM 5.

How can RAM help you?