Home » Industries Served by Resonant Acoustic Mixing » ResonantAcoustic Mixers for Specialty Materials Processing | Cosmetics | Nanomaterials | Pigments | Synthetic Polymers
Ours is no ordinary mixer. It's the only one of it's kind. Providing a standardized platform for material processing development, Resodyn Acoustic Mixers, Inc. provides a complete range of mixing equipment geared toward advanced specialty material manufacturing companies.
ResonantAcoustic® Mixing technology is unique to the specialty material mixing industry. Its advanced processes have opened the door to a vast array of exciting innovations and diverse industry applications.
ResonantAcoustic® Mixing provides a uniquely scalable stage for technological development.
This low frequency (60 Hz) mixing system provides unparalleled consistency in performance and repeatability from which to base the advancement of material processing. ResonantAcoustic® Mixing (RAM) technology has been the preferred embodiment for the invention of a multitude of Patent Applications. RAM is simply the “best mode known” for consistent lab scale, bench scale and commercial scale development of mixing innovations.
RAM enabled advancements include but are not limited to:
- Cosmetics
- Dental Products
- Elastomers
- Electronics Materials
- Graphene Inks
- Lubricants
- Medical Devices
- Nanomaterials
- Pigments
- Sintered Materials
- Super Abrasives
- Synthetic Polymers
- Technical Ceramics

“... [ResonantAcoustic® mixing] is a fantastic technology. It has revolutionized the way we mix for development of materials for additive manufacturing...”
- Nik Ninos, Research and Development Manager, Calix Ceramic Solutions
“Resonant acoustic mixers from Resodyn have proven to be extremely valuable in graphene development for our clients. It is critical for nanotechnologies such as graphene to be processed with the level of exacting consistency and particle distribution, especially at low loadings, that RAM has proven to consistently achieve.”
- Research Scientist, European Nanomaterial Research Organization
“[We] mix different rheologies with powder metals, highly viscous, and the LabRAM II has proven it can do that effectively. We’re very impressed with the build quality of the mixer--it’s a nice, solid, well-thought-out piece of equipment. It’s done very well for us.”
- Managing Engineer, Major U.S. Research Laboratory
The ResonantAcoustic® Mixer (RAM) product line harnesses the power of resonance (low-frequency sound) to generate powerful and efficient mixing of complex Solid-Solid, Solid-Liquid, Liquid-Gas, and Liquid-Liquid Blends. Benefits include;
- 10-100X faster mixing times
- bladeless non-contact mixing
- consistent homogenization
- repeatable
- scalable
- durable
- custom engineered systems
- reliable
- cost saving
- eco-friendly operation
- unmatched safety
Industry Folios
Client Testimonial - Hyaluronic Acid Crosslinking in as little as 1 minute with ResonantAcoustic Mixing!
ResonantAcoustic® Mixing (RAM) for Innovation in Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals.
Successful application of ResonantAcoustic® Mixing (RAM) technology to Hyaluronic Acid (HA) crosslinking leads to significant technological advantages and at the same time allows crosslinked HA gels.
Client Testimonial - NASA Invents GRX-810 SuperAlloy with RAM!
NASA recently invented a new high temperature 3D-Printed GRX-810 superalloy with almost double the tensile strength, more than double the ductility, and orders of magnitude (10X-2000X) better creep rupture life than conventional superalloys and current 3D-printable metal parts.
GRX-810 cannot be produced by conventional machining, and is 3D-printed. GRX-810 can be used in space launch systems, heat exchangers in nuclear power plants and other extreme temperature environments, thanks to RAM technology.
GRX-810 is made by coating NiCoCr metal powder with a film of nanoscale Y2O3 oxide particles using RAM technology.
Prior attempts to mechanically alloy the Y2O3 onto the metal powder with traditional equipment had deformed the powder. It became more platelet-like, had a tendency to stick, and as a result was much more difficult to print.
RAM rapidly and powerfully, yet gently coats the metal powder with the ceramic, without deforming the powder. The powder remains very spherical and flows well through the 3D printer.
Dissimilar Powder Mixing in 10 Seconds!
Dry ingredients can be difficult to thoroughly and consistently mix, particularly when the particles are of different sizes and characteristics. To illustrate effective and rapid mixing, 10 grams of fumed silica is blended with 100 grams of sand in 10 seconds! Completed specimens exhibit no airborne fumed silica, demonstrating uniform blending at an order of magnitude difference in particle size.
Milling and Nano Coating in 8 Seconds!
Coating larger particles with smaller ones is a common processing application, and milling is often a part of the same process. In this video, agglomerated carbon black particles are simultaneously milled to nano size particles that coat the plastic pellets completely in just a few seconds. The high speed video clearly illustrates the dispersion of carbon black particles, their de-agglomeration, and progressive and comprehensive coating of the plastic pellets.
Powder Incorporation in Viscous Liquid in 8 Seconds!
Many polymer-based materials require the addition of dry or powder materials for specific performance characteristics or coloration. To illustrate dry powder incorporation in a viscous liquid, a small amount of dry ingredient is rapidly blended with a viscous liquid. The newly captured mixing phenomena reveal how the thoroughly blended and uniform mixture is achieved in a very short mixing time.
Loaded Polymer Blending in Less than 3 Minutes!
To illustrate a heavily loaded polymer blend, two materials of very different particle sizes are blended with a polymer surrogate. This footage documents the nature of the material blending and integration into a heavily loaded (~85%) polymer based paste in just over 2 minutes! The use of RAM™ technology is ideally suited for loading of solids into polymers and mixing to a high rate of dispersion and consistent viscosity throughout the blend.
Download these folios of insightful testimonials and links to informative technical papers, articles and patents involving RAM’s impact on the development and use of:
1,000 gram capacity for repetitive and small sample processing
Up to 2.2 lb (1,000 gram) payload capacity full-featured, digitally controlled batch mixer for bench-scale development, mixing, and processing.
RAM 55
420 kg capacity delivers bench development through large-scale batch production.
Batch payload capacity up to 924 lbs (420 kg). RAM 55’s digitally controlled, multiple processing capabilities multiply RAM’s value through direct and easy scale-up from bench development to large scale batch production.
Continuous Acoustic Mixer (CAM)
High throughput mixing for pilot and production scale
Continuous Acoustic Mixing (CAM) systems are configurable for OmniRAM, RAM 5, and RAM 55. CAM systems are custom built for the application and enable high-throughput acoustic mixing of powders, pastes, and liquids.