Contactless ResonantAcoustic® Mixing (RAM) technology is proving itself integral to groundbreaking Additive Manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing designs, materials, and processes with its speed, power, and repeatability. Additive manufacturers are using RAM to mix inks with high solids loading, and to develop inks for DIW (direct-ink-write) applications in a wide range of materials. NASA developed a new GRX-810 alloy with almost double the tensile strength, more than double the ductility, and orders of magnitude (10X-2000X) better creep rupture life than conventional
superalloys and current 3D-printable metal parts. GRX-810 can be used in space launch systems, heat exchangers in nuclear power plants and other extreme temperature environments, thanks to RAM technology.
Inhomogeneity adversely affects print quality, but RAM homogeneously mixes. RAM can also mill, sieve, and coat 10X-100X faster than conventional methods, yet gently enough for energetic and explosive inks.